So many Americans travel to Italy and commit many a faux pas. They forget that there are certain customs that must be honored. So here is some advice to get along with our foreign cousins
1. Never order cappuccino after 11:00 AM. Or following dinner. If you want coffee after 11 then order a macchiato. And never order coffee with your lunch or dinner.
2. Italians eat lunch between 12:30 and 2:30. And dinner between 9:00 and 11:00 PM.
3. When at a restaurant, don't ask for modifications or substitutions. And don't twirl your spaghetti using a fork and a spoon.
4. Wipe up any leftovers in your dish with your bread. That is very Italian.
5. For dipping your bread don’t ask for balsamic vinegar, etc. to add to the oil.
6. If eating seafood, do not sprinkle cheese on it. Yuck.
7. Never ever complain about the food or send it back; you might end up with poor service. Complaining about their food is like insulting their religion.
8. Italy is not a tipping culture. They are paid a living wage and tips probBLY AE incorporated into the check.
9. If you don’t want to stand out as an American and not more vulnerable to theft, do not wear NIKES, JORDANS, or any kind of brand name. Wear nice leather sandals instead.
10. No ball caps or big hats. Italians do not wear them.
11. Other than gelato or fococaccia, never eat or drink "on the go" or while walking. Italians frown on that. Instead eat at a bar, cafe or at the beach
12. Do not order a cappuccino with pizza. Italians feel that it's not good for your stomach.
13. Always dress properly. If entering a church, or cathedral, etc., no shorts or sleeveless, tanks and definitely no ball caps... It’s a sign of disrespect. Always carry a light jacket, sweater or a scarf.
14. Do not hail a taxi; this is not NYC. If you need a taxi, go to a taxi stand where they are lined up - and take the first one that’s in front – no choosing.
15. Credit Cards: Keep between $50-$75 cash (Euros) on you. Small shops, public bathrooms and street vendors do NOT honor credit cards. And be sure to pack 2-3 cards in case one does not work but leave one back at your hotel in your luggage.
16. Make a photo copy of your passport and laminate it. Wear it on a lanyard and stuff it down the front of your pants – You never know when you'll need it. Leave the original back at your hotel in your luggage.
Buonasera (Good evening – after 4 pm)
Buongiorno (Good Morning)
Per favore, Parle Inglese? (Excuse me, do you speak English?)
Non parlo Italiano (I do not speak Italian)
Grazie (Thank you)
Prego (You’re welcome - or please)
Ciao (Hello or Goodbye)
Ciao, Ciao! (Bye Bye)