About The Italian Diva

Welcome to my culinary world!
As an Italian and Sicilian American, my passion for cooking sparked at the age of seven. With a nurse for a mom and a cobbler for a dad in North Andover, MA, I often stepped into the kitchen to whip up meals while my mom was at work. I also have a long history as an entertainer and performer from childhood and through most of my adult years. I also tried standup comedy as I love to make people laugh.
After my divorce and the mother of twin boys, my journey led me to own La Petit Gourmet, a bistro and catering business in Milford, Connecticut, where I pioneered "take home" dinners and hosted dinner parties with wait staff dressed as French maids.
As an entrepreneur, I was always an independent trying out new ideas and businesses. But I never got discouraged as I looked upon them as "opportunites and learning curves".
While living in Miami, I had the thrill of auditioning for Gordon Ramsay's Master Chef in 2013 and appeared on national TV in Season 3. While I did not snag the $250,000 prize, it was an unforgettable experience.
In 2015, I had moved to the New York/New Jersey area to pursue my acting career working on several TV series, commercials, music videos and film. In 2019, not meeting my expenses and in debt, I conceived the idea of teaching cooking. That's when The Italian Diva was conceived.But having no money for marketing, I was forced to knock on doors of Williams Sonoma stores, Sur La Table etc, inquiring if I could give cooking demos at no charge. From there it developed to giving small classes of 5 students right in my tiny apartment - it was a HIT!
But in 2020, and as things happen, the CoVid virus caused an emergency shutdown and I was now without funds to survive. I got down on my knes and prayed. No pension, and on a pittance of social security that didn't even cover my rent.
IStarting a busineses will always have its challenges and although was at the age of retirement I've always been an opportunist. But this was a HUGE bump in the road. My only option was to move back to the house I owned in the small New England (blue collar) town of Wareham MA. I thought to myself, "Can I bring The Italian Diva here?" My biggiest challenge was yet to unfold.
Developing cooking classes to people who were basically set in their ways, appeared to be a long uphill battle and yet without hesitating one bit I pursued it. Working with bare bones funds and the high cost of food, I attempted to engage small town folk in learning authentic Italian cuisine in a town where most restaurants serve only their "variatiion" of Italian cooking.
Some may choose their golden years to sit on a beach, travel the world, work in their garden, or play with their grandchildren (I don't have any). My passion is teaching the ways of not only healthy eating without preservatives or harmful disease causing chemicals, but also to entertain in the process.
Finally, as a Christian and a believer in Jesus is Lord, He's never let me down and has always opened a door even when a window has been slammed shut, having the faith to Trust in Him and walking through that door knowing that He is always with me - keeping his promise to NEVER leave me.
Praise the Lord and Amen
Chef Dedee Royale

Italian Diva Press
Articles & Mentions
The New Jersey Monthly
Interview - Click to view
Wareham Week
Article - Click to view
Maddie Levine w/ Fun 107
Article - Click to view